Recommended Nutrition to Treat Erectile Dysfunction
What is the cause of impotence in men? The inability to get and keep an erection long enough to engage in sexual activity is what medical professionals mean when they talk about erectile dysfunction (ED). The release of hormones during sexual excitement causes an increase in blood flow to the penis, resulting in an erection. When the blood pressure rises, the penis's soft muscular tissue is soaked up like a sponge, and the muscles stiffen and contract as a result. This stiffening often lasts until either sexual excitement returns or an orgasmic episode occurs, at which point the body relaxes and the stored blood is released into the circulatory system. Males affected by ED have difficulties at various points throughout this sequence. Although all men occasionally have trouble getting or keeping an erection, those with ED deal with this issue on a regular basis, to varying degrees depending on the severity of their condition. Crossroads Pharmacy first opened its doors in 2006, and ...